Easily portable
the Resbatt idea

Easy going:
easy to transport and use

Handy and ergonomically designed. For mobile independence. Easy to set up and use via the app.

Resbatt Batteriesystem

Fully charged:
portable power

Battery system for mobile power supply. Portable. Safe. High performance. The handy power package.

Tough enough
for any application

No matter what: you have electricity. Bumps, blows or water: no problem. Thanks to RESBATT’s extra-robust housing, it is extremely drop-proof.

Resbatt Batteriesystem

Fully charged: portable power

Battery system for mobile power supply. Portable. Safe. High performance. The handy power package.

Easy going: easy to transport and use.

Handy and ergonomically designed. For mobile independence. Easy to set up and use via the app.

Tough enough for any application

No matter what: you have electricity. Bumps, blows or water: no problem. Thanks to RESBATT’s extra-robust housing, it is extremely drop-proof.

Power, wherever you need it

The easily portable RESBATT battery system provides flexible power at any time: whether you’re on the road or stationary. Enough power for a multitude of tasks. Safe and reliable, even in extreme conditions. Linkable, scalable and expandable. So you can bring power with you wherever you go.

RESBATT provides power everywhere. The portable power package

There are situations where you need a lot of power. Stored energy. That you can access here and now. Right where you are. Mobile power that keeps you going. For example, when your e-vehicle runs out of “juice”. When you want to get your e-car or e-scooter back on the road or your e-boat back on the water. To get electrical devices, machines and plants up and running again, or to keep them going. At work. Or in your free time. As a private individual, company, state or public organisation. As an association, federation, group or club. Or as a disaster prevention and relief organisation, providing energy in emergency situations and catastrophes. To help and save people. To provide for yourself and others. To provide light, heating, refrigeration, comfort andsecurity wherever they are needed. Freely and independently. In the country, off the beaten track, on the water. Away from civilisation. Or at home, in the office, in workshops, warehouses, production facilities and in agriculture.

RESBATT is the flexible solution which never ties you down.

You can use the modular battery system as home storage for the solar energy yield from your own photovoltaic system to use yourself. This cuts your energy costs. And you can take the stored energy with you wherever you go. RESBATT provides power wherever you are.

Easy going: leicht tragbar und bedienbar

  • Modular, reparierbar und recycelbar.
  • Durch Dockingstation an jede Umgebung anpassbar.
  • Erweiterbar mit Komponenten zum Gesamtsystem.
  • Skalierbar: bis 10 Systeme koppelbar je Strang (= 1.000 A). Mehrere Stränge im Verbund möglich.

Energiegeladen: Strom zum Mitnehmen

  • Power to-go: die netzunabhängige Energie-Quelle oder Reserve für alle Fälle.
  • Für E-Fahrzeuge, Boote, Wohnmobile, Kommunal-/Einsatz-/Rettungs-Fahrzeuge, Handwerk, Bau- und Landwirtschaft, Haus-/Heimspeicher, Fotovoltaik, Outdoor- und Notstrom-Anwendungen.
  • Schnelle Ladung an jeder Steckdose und über Fotovoltaik-System.
  • Einsatz in Elektrofahrzeugen bidirektional: Entladung und Ladung.
  • Hohe Leistungsabgabe und -aufnahme.
  • Geräuschlos, keine Lüftergeräusche dank passiver Kühlung.
  • Dauerleistung bis zu 4.800 W/h.
  • Niedervolt-System (48 V) mit optionalem Wechselrichter für 12 V, 24 V, 110 V, 220 V, 240 V. Einzigartig auf dem Markt!

Hart im Nehmen: für jeden Einsatz

  • Sehr robuste Ausführung für höchste Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit auch in Extrem-Einsätzen.
  • Dank passiver Kühlung gibt es keine beweglichen Teile.
  • Das Gerät ist sturzgeschützt, wasserdicht (IP67), untertauchfähig und unempfindlich gegen Staub und Verschmutzung.

Easy going: easy to transport and use.

  • Modular design, reparable and recyclable.
  • Adaptable to any environment via docking station.
  • Can be expanded with various components to form a complete system.
  • Scalable: up to 10 systems can be coupled per string (= 1,000 A). Several strings can be included in a single network.

Charged up: Portable power

  • Power to-go: your grid-independent source of energy or back-up in all situations.
  • For e-vehicles, boats, motorhomes, municipal/emergency/rescue vehicles, craftwork, construction and agriculture, home storage, photovoltaics, outdoor and emergency energy applications.
  • Fast-charging in any outlet and via photovoltaic system.
  • Bidirectional use in electric vehicles: charging and discharging.
  • High energy input/output.
  • Silent operation, no fan noise thanks to passive cooling.
  • Continuous output up to 4,800 W/h.
  • Low-voltage system (48 V) with optional inverter for 12 V, 24 V, 110 V, 220 V, 240 V. Unique on the market!

Tough enough for any application

  • Very robust design for maximum reliability and safety even in extreme applications.
  • Thanks to passive cooling, there are no moving parts.
  • The device is drop-proof, waterproof (IP67), submersible and insensitive to dust and dirt.